Skip the hassle of manually opting out!

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Manual Opt Out of (2024)

Step 1: Go to and find the record(s) that contain your personal information. To do this, simply search your name on their website. Keep in mind that you will need the URL from the record pages to process your opt-out request.

Step 2: Once you’ve searched yourself, find the records you believe are yours and click “View Details”. Make sure you don’t click the records that say “View Full Report” as this will not direct you to the correct page.

Step 3: Verify that the information on this page is you and copy the page URL.

Step 4: Next, head to Whitepages optout page and paste the URL from the last step. Click "Next".

Step 4: Confirm the information and click "Remove Me".

Step 5: Provide your reason for removing your data and click "Next" once you are done.

Step 6: Enter your phone number and check the box. Then click "Call now to verify".

Step 7: You will then be sent to a page with a 4-digit confirmation code, and you will receive a phone call an automated phone call from Whitepages. Follow the instructions on the phone call by entering the 4-digit code into your phone's keypad during the call. You should then be told your opt-out process is complete.

Frequently Asked Questions About WhitePages

How does WhitePages sell my information?

WhitePages sells your information in the form of reports to whoever is trying to find you. 

How does WhitePages get my information?

WhitePages has web crawling technology where they index publicly available records on people. In addition to this, they also buy personal information or trade with other data brokers. Most of the public data is more related to property records and criminal offense records and most of the purchased data is personal contact details.