Skip the hassle of manually opting out!

Run your free scan to see which of the 80+ people search sites are selling your personal information.

Manual Opt Out of (2024)

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Type your name or address into their people search bar.

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Step 3: Find the record containing your personal information. There may be multiple people with your name, so make sure you click on the correct record.

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Step 4: Scroll to the very bottom of the page and find the “Remove my information” link in the footer. Click that.

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Step 5: Enter your name, a valid email address, and your address. The URL box should already have the URL from the previous page in it. Click "Next Step" once you are ready to move on.

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Step 6: Select the information you want to be removed from the list of names and phone numbers. Then click “Apply” and your opt-out process is complete.

Frequently Asked Questions About ClustrMaps

How long will it take to remove my information from ClustrMaps?

It should take you 10-20 minutes to opt-out of ClustrMaps.

When will my data be erased from ClustrMaps?

ClustrMaps generally takes around 3-5 business days to completely remove your information from their website.

Can ClustrMaps add my data back on their website in the future?

ClustrMaps might re-list your data depending on how they manage their data feeds. To prevent this, you can either monitor their website for your personal data and repeat the opt-out process whenever your data shows up again or subscribe to an identity monitoring service like DataSeal. You can use the link below to run your free DataBroker scan and find out how many websites have your information with one search - DataBroker Exposure Scan