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Manual Opt Out of (2024)

Step 1: Go to AllAreaCodes' optout page at

Step 2: Enter your information in the corresponding search boxes. AllAreaCodes needs this information to identify your record in their database, so make sure to use a valid email and phone number. Check the box and complete the CAPTCHA before you hit submit.

Step 3: Once submitted, you should be sent to a confirmation page informing you that your opt-out request has been received.

Frequently Asked Questions About AllAreaCodes

How does AllAreaCodes sell my information?

AllAreaCodes is a feeder website to Intelius. You can view the area codes for free but if you want to look up a specific phone number you will be directed to a report on Intelius where you will be asked to pay. 

How does AllAreaCodes get my information?

AllAreaCodes sources most of its information directly from public records.