Skip the hassle of manually opting out!

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Navigating the digital realm can sometimes feel like walking through a maze, especially when it comes to ensuring our privacy. One area of concern is 'people search' websites like Wellnut that can gather a surprising amount of personal data. Luckily, there are ways to assert control over your data. Our step-by-step guide will walk you through removing your information from Wellnut, helping you regain control of your personal information and enhance your digital privacy.

Manual Opt Out of (2024)

Step 1. Visit Wellnut and run a search for your record. 

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Step 2. Find your specific record in the search results and click on it to expand it. 

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Step 3. In the picture directly above, you will see what a complete record will look like.  You will want to copy the URL for the next step: filling out the opt-out form. 

Step 4. In this step, we are going to fill out the opt-out form. You can go directly to the form using this link -

Opt out of Wellnut

Step 5. You will receive a verification link to your provided email to verify the opt-out. Once this step has been completed, your opt-out journey for Wellnut will be complete. Another note is that you can always use a temporary email, not your email when filling out these opt-out requests. This provides an extra layer of protection. I use TempMail

Additional resources:

  • Try our free scan to see how much of your personal information is exposed by data brokers, and people search networks with one search - Databroker Exposure Scan

Frequently Asked Questions About Wellnut

How does Wellnut get my information?

Wellnut is a free people search engine that aggregates data from various sources. These sources include public records, social media scraping, buying data, or trading with other aggregators. 

How does Wellnut sell my information?

Wellnut is a free people search website, so they provide your information free of charge, which they monetize through advertising partnerships.