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Manual Opt Out of (2024)

Step 1: Go to and search for yourself.

Step 2: Find your record and click "View Details".

Step 3: On your full record page, scroll all the way down to the bottom and click "Record Opt-Out".

Step 4: Complete VoterRecord's opt-out form. Make sure you have access to the email you provide them.

Step 5: Go to your inbox and find the email from VoterRecords. Click "Verify Opt-Out Request".

You should be sent to a page informing you that your opt-out request has been processed.

Frequently Asked Questions About

How long will it take to remove my information from VoterRecords?

It should take you 5-15 minutes to complete VoterRecord's opt-out process.

When will my information be deleted from VoterRecords?

VoterRecords should take around 2-3 business days to remove your information from their website.

Will VoterRecords upload my information back onto their website in the future?

There is a chance that VoterRecords re-upload your information, however, it's hard to know for sure. If you are worried about this happening, I recommend either monitoring to ensure your data stays removed, or subscribing to an automatic data opt-out service that does that for you such as