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Manual Opt Out of (2024)

Step 1: Go to's opt-out page.

Step 2: Select the option that says "Delete the data associated with this email address", and then enter your email address into the provided input box. Click "Claim the email address" once you are ready to proceed. You should receive a notification at the button of your screen informing you that an email has been sent to your inbox.

Step 3: Head to your inbox and find the email from Confirm the email is correct, then click "Claim this email address".

You should be redirected to the website, where you will be notified that your removal request has been received.

How long will it take to remove my information from Hunter.IO?

It should take you roughly 5-15 minutes to complete this opt-out process.

When will my information be removed from Hunter.IO?

Generally speaking, you should expect Hunter.Io to take 15-30 business days to remove your information from their website.

Will my information be added back to Hunter.IO in the future?

Your information could be added back to Hunter.IO in the future, however, there is no guarantee and you will not be notified when it happens. If you want to make sure your personal information stays off their website, you will need to actively monitor it or subscribe to an identity monitoring service like Dataseal.

How does Hunter.IO sell my information?

Hunter.IO offers your information to its users in the form of a sales prospecting tool and a browser extension where their users can go to your LinkedIn and with a click of a button get your business email and often times your business phone number and cell phone. 

How does Hunter.IO get my information?

Hunter is a business data company so they aggregate their data in multiple ways. Number 1 is through web crawling websites like Linkedin. Number 2 is through partnerships with email service providers where they are able to scrape the contact details from your email signature and sell it. Number 3 is through partnerships with other data companies where they trade your data to one another.