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 NeighborWho is a people search company owned by BeenVerified, which collects and sells personal information about individuals and their real estate. This information can include your name, address, phone number, email address, and personal financial details related to your home ownership. NeighborWho collects this information from various sources, including public records and other online sources, as well as through other data brokers.  

Manual Opt Out of (2024)

1.  Go to BeenVerified's opt-out page on their website:

2.  Enter your name and state of residency into the provided boxes and click "Search."

Neighborwho Removal Search

3.  Find the record that contains your personal information. Multiple people may have your name, so make sure you choose one specific to you. Once you’ve found your record click "Proceed to Opt Out" on the right.

NeighborWho Removal button

4.  Enter your email and verify that you’re not a robot with the Captcha. Make sure the email you use is one you have access to, as you will get a confirmation email sent to you. Click "Send Verification Email" when you are ready to continue.

Neighborwho email verification

5.  Navigate to your inbox and find the email from BeenVerified. Confirm your opt-out request by clicking the green button saying "Verify Opt-Out."

Neighborwho Final Verification

One thing to remember is that BeenVerified also owns other people search sites, such as Ownerly, Bumper, NumberGuru, PeopleSmart, and PeopleLooker. By removing yourself from BeenVerified, you, by default, remove yourself from this network. 

Other resources and reading


Frequently Asked Questions About NeighborWho

How does NeighborWho get my information? is a property and people data aggregator that obtains data from many public and private sources. These include governmental records, county assessors, real estate listings, and other private data brokers.  

How does NeighborWho sell my information? sells this information through a subscription which allows users to download reports on individuals and details related to their real estate ownership.