Skip the hassle of manually opting out!

Run your free scan to see which of the 80+ people search sites are selling your personal information. is a free people search engine owned by InfoTracer that allows users to find personal information about individuals, including their names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. If you are concerned about your privacy, you may want to remove your personal information from You can do this by following these steps:

Manual Opt Out of (2024)

Step 1 - Visit and run a search for your name. 

Locate Search

Step 2 - Scroll down until you find your record. Once you have found your record you will want to copy your report ID, which you can see in this example. 

Locate People Example Record

Step 3 -  Next, go to LocatePeople’s opt-out page Or scroll down to the bottom of the homepage and click the Do Not Sell My Information link on the footer.

Please note:  Whenever you remove your information from a true people search website, you may want to use a disposable email such as TempMail so that you don't expose your email. 

Step 4 - Fill out your first and last name, paste your Record ID number, and enter your email address. Solve the CAPTCHA box, and then click the Submit button.

Submit Your Record for Removal   Locate People

Step 5 - Find the verification link in your inbox and click confirm to finalize your opt-out. 

Locate People Confirmation Email

Additional resources 

LocatePeople's privacy policy -

LocatePeople's BBB profile -

Frequently Asked Questions About LocatePeople

How does LocatePeople sell my information? is a free people search engine. They offer free most of their information, such as reverse phone number and name searches. People search websites like this one are volume-driven, and profit from advertising revenue and partnerships with paid people search websites. 

How does LocatePeople get my information?

LocatePeople aggregates its data through publicly available sources, such as tax records, and social media records, as well as privately available data which they source from other data brokers.