Skip the hassle of manually opting out!

Run your free scan to see which of the 80+ people search sites are selling your personal information.

Manual Opt Out of (2024) uses BeenVerified to manage their opt-out requests, so if you already removed your data from then you do not need to do anything else.

To confirm that BeenVerified manages PeopleSmart’s opt-out, go to and scroll to the bottom of their page. You should see a hyperlink saying “Do Not Sell My Personal Information”. Click that.

That link should send you to

‍If you have not opted out of, please refer to our BeenVerified optout guide.

Frequently Asked Questions About PeopleSmart

How does PeopleSmart's opt-out process work?

PeopleSmart uses BeenVerified for their opt-out process, so any request will be completed via BeenVerified's website.

How long will it take to remove my information from PeopleSmart?

It should take 10-20 minutes to complete the BeenVerified opt-out process.

When will PeopleSmart delete my information from their website?

Whenever BeenVerified processes your opt-out request, which will take up to 15-30  business days.