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Manual Opt Out of (2024)

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Enter your email address into the provided input box, confirm you are not a robot, then click "Begin Opt Out Process"

Step 3: Enter your information into the search boxes and click "Search". The more information you provide the easier it will be to find your record.

Step 4: Find the record containing your information and click "View Details". Make sure it is your record and not someone with the same name.

Step 5: Click "Opt Out This Record".

Step 6: Head to the inbox of the email address you provided in Step 2, find the email from, and click the link they give you.

Frequently Asked Questions About FamilyTreeNow

How long will it take to remove my information from FamilyTreeNow?

Opting out of FamilyTreeNow generally takes around 5-10 minutes.

When will my personal information be removed from FamilyTreeNow?

It should take around 1-3 days for your information to be deleted from their website, however, it could take longer.

Will FamilyTreeNow reupload my information in the future?

FamilyTreeNow could possibly add your data back into their system, however, there is no way to tell for sure. To be safe, we recommend either checking their website monthly to see if your information is there, or subscribing to an automatic data identity monitoring service like